4  Custom Functions

4.1 Calculate win probability based on individual shot xG.

#| code-fold: true
#| warning: false

xg_win_prob <- function(team_a_shots_xg, team_b_shots_xg, n_sim){
  # Create a function to simulate a match
  simulate_match <- function(team_a_shots_xg, team_b_shots_xg){
    # Create a function to simulate a goal
    simulate_goal <- function(shot_xg_list){
      #Start goal count at 0
      goals <- 0
      # For each shot, if it goes in, add a goal
      for (shot in shot_xg_list){
        if (runif(1)<=shot){
          goals <- goals + 1
      # Return the number of goals
    # Simulate goals for each team
    team_a_goals <- simulate_goal(team_a_shots_xg)
    team_b_goals <- simulate_goal(team_b_shots_xg)
    # Return the goals as separate lists
    return(list(team_a_goals, team_b_goals))
  # Initialize empty lists
  team_a_goals <- list()
  team_b_goals <- list()
  # Run the simulation n times
  for (i in 1:n_sim) {
    # Get simulated goals for each team
    simulated_goals <- simulate_match(team_a_shots_xg, team_b_shots_xg)
    # Store team-specific goals in separate lists
    team_a_goals[[i]] <- simulated_goals[[1]]
    team_b_goals[[i]] <- simulated_goals[[2]]
  # Return simulation data frame
  # Combine lists into a data frame
  simulations_df <- data.frame(
    team_a_goals = unlist(team_a_goals),
    team_b_goals = unlist(team_b_goals)
  ) |>
    # Calculate the winner
    mutate(winner = case_when(
      team_a_goals > team_b_goals ~ "team_a",
      team_a_goals < team_b_goals ~ "team_b",
      team_a_goals == team_b_goals ~ "draw"
  # Return simulation data frame in two forms
  # 1 As a win-draw-win probability
  win_prob <- simulations_df |>
    count(winner) |>
    mutate(prob = n / sum(n))
  # 2 As the probability for each result
  result_prob <- simulations_df |>
    count(team_a_goals,team_b_goals) |>
    mutate(prob = n / sum(n)) |>
  list(win_prob, result_prob)